a) It was an expensive hobby for a poor college student
b) After college where does one find a dark room?
So it was something I was always interested in but I put it on the backburner for Someday…
Now, fast forward to 2009. I was nine months pregnant. A newlywed. I had recently moved from Alexandria, MN—leaving to job I loved to DeKalb, Illinois—where I would become a stay at home mom.
Big changes.
I knew amidst the shuffle I needed to continue pursuing something that makes me me. Where I could continue to evolve and challenge myself as a person and visual artist. That’s when photography came back into play.
So, August of 2009, the month I would become a first time mom and receive my final paycheck I decided it was time to dip into what I like to call the “Bite the Bullet Budget” and purchase my first digital SLR camera.
Over the last two years I have...
learned to shoot manually,
explored different lenses and found some favs,
became familair with Photoshop,
found a love for natural light photography
and most importantly, documented some of lives sweetest moments.
I think that I have found a niche.
learned to shoot manually,
explored different lenses and found some favs,
became familair with Photoshop,
found a love for natural light photography
and most importantly, documented some of lives sweetest moments.
I think that I have found a niche.
My intention of this blog is to share my work with you as I hope to continually evolve as an artist. I’m not sure where this will take me but I am willing to take the risk and try to shift from a mom-tographer to hopefully a photographer.
I’ll leave you with this quote below that resonates for me and I hope it will for you too.
"Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead."
— Louisa May Alcott