Monday, May 12, 2014

My Goddaughter Emmie.

"Really?" I asked nearly falling out of my chair "Are you sure that's what she wants to do?" It was shortly after we moved back to MN when my goddaughter asked to spend her spring break with us.   "Does she know that it's usually colder and we have more snow up here?" But of course that did not matter to our sweet Em.  

I am so lucky to be one of her godmothers.  Emmie is such a strong, smart, poised & sweet girl—us godmothers couldn't be more proud.

 During Em's spring break stay with us we had a snowstorm  {surprise, surprise} and instead of succumbing to cabin fever we did this impromptu photo shoot.  When it came to editing I did a tutorial  & then let Emmie do her own thing. I think our collaboration was something we both enjoyed—a creative fix for the art teacher and new "selfies" for Em.  Not a bad way to spend a Snow day!  

We love you Emmie!  

Emmie really wanted to have some pictures with Mae & Wes but it was only Wes we could "corral" for pictures.  so...

Emmie & Wes 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Little Loves

Oh, I have a blog? 
It has been years since I wrote on here last that it's almost silly to begin again.  Especially starting with our Valentines pictures in MAY but they are too sweet not to share.  

Some updates: 
We are back in MN.
Which means  the last couple months have been a blur with packing, unpacking, business trips, setting up primary doctors, finding preschools, ear infections, etc.
Now that we are settled back at home, I hope to start this blog up again to share some older projects that I have done as well as some new ones.  

About the sesh: 

A couple of weeks before we moved I was avoiding packing inspired to do a Valentines  session with Mae & Weston.  To tell you the truth, I must have been really avoiding packing because I took way too many pictures.  So many in fact that I have had  the hardest time narrowing them down.  I'll blame it on my "mom-goggles" So please excuse the proud momma picture spam because yes I am "that mom." 




Mae & Wes 

Since I never got around to sharing last years...posted below are a couple from 2013.  
Oh what a difference a year makes!  xo. 