Thursday, October 20, 2011

Breazy & Coda.

Meet our dear friends Brea & Dacoda.  I have known Breazy since we were sophomores at UW Stout.  Our lives have paralleled through undergraduate studies, as roommates and now as moms.  Even though our topic of conversation has changed greatly through the years I value our friendship just the same.

About the sesh: These pictures were taken at Breazy's family farm.  Within every frame there is another story to be told.  Right down to Coda's dress—it was Breazy's dress as a little girl!  I loved hanging out at the farm and capturing pictures in a place that holds so many memories.

in other words,
beautiful subjects + family farm + golden september light =

one happy shutterbug.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Footloose & Fancy Free

This was the last photo-shoot that we were able to do in Minnesota before the cold came & we moved to Cali.  The day started in the high 80's but by the time Mae woke up from her nap it was in the 60's & WINDY.  So we decided to nix swimming in the lake & went to a field instead.  To let Mae be Mae—
footloose & fancy free.  


Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Mosher 5.

  Last March I was honored to have the oppurtunity to photograph a newborn session for this beautiful family.  I love how a camera can capture special times such as these.  Being able to photograph something so fresh from heaven is such a gift. Welcome to the world little cousin Quinn! 

Monday, August 29, 2011

A new beginning

For those of you who have been following my work you may have noticed that I have a passion for photography.  It was one of my favorite classes in college but I never fully pursued at the time because:

a)    It was an expensive hobby for a poor college student
b)    After college where does one find a dark room?  

So it was something I was always interested in but I put it on the backburner for Someday…
 Now, fast forward to 2009.   I was nine months pregnant.  A newlywed.  I had recently moved from Alexandria, MN—leaving to job I loved to DeKalb, Illinois—where I would become a stay at home mom.

Big changes.

I knew amidst the shuffle I needed to continue pursuing something that makes me me.  Where I could continue to evolve and challenge myself as a person and visual artist.  That’s when photography came back into play. 

So, August of 2009, the month I would become a first time mom and receive my final paycheck I decided it was time to dip into what I like to call the “Bite the Bullet Budget” and purchase my first digital SLR camera. 

Over the last two years I have...
learned to shoot manually, 
explored different lenses and found some favs, 
became familair with Photoshop, 
found a love for natural light photography
and most importantly, documented some of lives sweetest moments.  

 I think that I have found a niche. 

 Now, August of 2011, Once again I am moving.  This time to Palm Springs, California where we will be living for the next three years for my husband’s job.  I am excited about the adventures and memories to be made together.  I also am going to pursue something that I love. Photography.

 My intention of this blog is to share my work with you as I hope to continually evolve as an artist.  I’m not sure where this will take me but I am willing to take the risk and try to shift from a mom-tographer to hopefully a photographer. 

I’ll leave you with this quote below that resonates for me and I hope it will for you too.

"Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead."
— Louisa May Alcott

Monday, August 22, 2011

Bring on the big 2!

   All summer Mae has been obsessed with bikes.  So when it came time to brainstorm ideas for her birthday we knew exactly what to get her - the good ol' Radio Flyer.  
   At the moment she is a bit of an unconventional rider but soon enough I will have to chase her down the street.  So, without further adieu bring on the big TWO! 